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Appointment of TD for 3rd President's Cup

Tehran Feb 2019—WT President, appointed the TD for 3rd President's Cup.

According to official letter signed by WT President, Mr. Sang Cheon Kim from South Korea was appointed as the Technical Director of 3rd President's Cup- Asian region.
The 3rd President's Cup will be held from Feb 28th –March 3rd 2019.
Meanwhile, the 3rd President's Cup- Asian region in senior division is G2 and the 1st , 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded 20,12 and 7 points in increasing the Olympic ranking.
Also the Para Taekwondo in the mentioned event is G1 and Junior category is a N/A Event.

Date:12:07   2/23/2019


Photo Report

3rd WT President's Cup 2019/20

3rd WT President's Cup 2019/18

3rd WT President's Cup 2019/17

3rd WT President's Cup 2019/16

3rd WT President's Cup 2019/15

3rd WT President's Cup 2019/14

3rd WT President's Cup 2019/13

3rd WT President's Cup 2019/12

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