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Iran Para Taekwondo- The Champion of 3rd WT President's Cup 2019

Tehran March 2019-- Iran Para Taekwondo stood on the first place at the end of 3rd President 2019.

The competitions were held at the weigh categories of -61, -75 and +75 for men and -49, -58, +58 Kg for women in one day.
At the end of the competitions and for the total points , Iran stood on the first place with the achievement 8 gold and 5 silver medals and 71 points, Ukraine stood on the second place with 4 gold and 2 silver medal and 36 points. Russia stood at the 3rd place with 1 gold and 1 bronze medals besides 8 points.
Uzbekistan (1 gold / 7 points) and India (1 silver and 3 bronze / 6 points)stood on 4th & 5th places.
The Bests of this tournament are as below:
Fair Play Cup: India
Best Head of Team: Ukraine
Best Coach: Payam Khanlarkhani
Best Player: Asgar Azizi(Iran)
Best Referee: Abolfazl Khodaei(Iran)-Ming Shen(China)-Son mi Park(South Korea)Shivani Agaraval(India)

Date:00:32   3/4/2019


Photo Report

3rd WT President's Cup 2019/20

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